A forum for participants of the Montreux Document on pertinent international legal obligations and good practices for states related to operations of private military and security companies during armed conflict.


Madagascar supports the Montreux Document

From an initial 17 states in 2008, the number of Montreux Document participants has more than tripled. Outreach efforts have been important and support for the Montreux Document continues to grow, including in the African region.

New Publication: Progress and Opportunities: Challenges and Recommendations for Montreux Document Participants, 2nd edition

The second edition integrates important new research, extensive feedback from Montreux Document participants, and the debates and conclusions of the Montreux+5 Conference.

Ireland and Monaco become the latest participants to the Montreux Document

In recent months, Ireland and Monaco became the latest states to officially support the Montreux Document.

The Montreux Document Forum is Launched

Six years after its adoption, Montreux Document participants have now established the Montreux Document Forum to continue working on the implementation of the Montreux Document.

The Report on the 2013 MD Regional Conference for Southeast Asia is now available.

The conference provided a regional perspective on states’ interactions with PMSCs and identified national regulations with a view to sharing good practices.

Montreux Document Regional Conference held for Francophone African states, Dakar, Senegal

In June 2014, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Senegal in collaboration with the ICRC, and the Centre des hautes études du défense et securité (CHEDS), and DCAF, hosted a regional conference in Dakar.

Montreux +5 Conference

Montreux +5 Conference

On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the finalisation of the Montreux Document, representatives of over 60 states, and members of international organisations, academia, civil society and private companies gathered in Montreux, Switzerland.