In recent months, Ireland and Monaco became the latest states to officially support the Montreux Document.
From an initial 17 states in 2008, the number of Montreux Document participants has tripled. This indicates that outreach has been an important success story for the Montreux Document.
However, much remains to be done to increase support for the Montreux Document in different world regions, notably in the Asia Pacific region, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Promoting further support for the Montreux Document is one of the main objectives of the MDF, which could be pursued by all Montreux Document participants and in particular, by the Group of Friends of the Chair.
Promoting further support for the Montreux Document is one of the main objectives of the MDF, which could be pursued by all Montreux Document participants and in particular, by the Group of Friends of the Chair.