The second edition integrates important new research, extensive feedback from Montreux Document participants, and the debates and conclusions of the Montreux+5 Conference.
Initially commissioned by Switzerland in 2013 to inform discussions during the fifth anniversary conference, this second edition incorporates and builds on the conclusions and results of the Montreux+5 Conference. It includes updated feedback from Montreux Document participants, and integrates new research regarding the regulation and oversight of PMSCs.
The second edition reflects important new developments that have taken place since 2013 In particular, one of the key recommendations of the Montreux+5 Conference has been realised: the establishment of the MDF as a means to promote implementation and outreach among Montreux Document participants.
The study is structured according to six key implementation challenges faced by Montreux Document participants.
Each challenge is analysed and existing good practices are considered.
Recommendations are then put forward for ways to support more effective implementation of the Montreux Document.