A forum for participants of the Montreux Document on pertinent international legal obligations and good practices for states related to operations of private military and security companies during armed conflict.

The Report on the 2013 MD Regional Conference for Southeast Asia is now available.

The Report on the 2013 MD Regional Conference for Southeast Asia is now available.

In July 2013, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, in collaboration with the ICRC, and in coordination with the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP) and DCAF hosted a conference to raise awareness of the Montreux Document in Southeast Asia and to discuss challenges related to the regulation of PMSCs.

The conference provided a regional perspective on states’ interactions with PMSCs and identified national regulations with a view to sharing good practices. The conference was held in Manila, Philippines and gathered nearly 60 representatives of governments, international organisations and industry from 8 states in the region (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam).