A forum for participants of the Montreux Document on pertinent international legal obligations and good practices for states related to operations of private military and security companies during armed conflict.

The Republic of Malta joins the MD Forum!

The Republic of Malta joins the MD Forum!

On September 29th 2020, the Republic of Malta officially declared its participation to the Montreux Document, becoming the 57th supporting State.

The Republic of Malta is a State with a rich maritime heritage and its participation is vital in regulating private security at sea. Moreover, given the dynamics of the Maritime Working Group of the Montreux Document Forum, the participation is notably timely.

The gradual increase in membership to the Montreux Document indicates that outreach has been successful and demonstrates that private security regulation remains a particularly important topic. However, there is a lot of potential in further increasing the support for the Montreux Document. Specifically, in regions such as the Middle East and North Africa, Asia Pacific, and Sub-Saharan Africa, outreach activities are promising. Promoting support for the Montreux Document is one of the main objectives of the MDF, which can be pursued by all Montreux Document participants. Ensuring balanced geographic representation is vital to the efforts in effective regulation of PMSCs and therefore continuing outreach in the region constitutes a key objective for future activities.

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